August 12, 2024 update (written by Gordon & Elaine Grose)

ALSO, read update about Juli’s need for Invasive Cervical Traction (ICT) on November 15, 2024, and 1 or 2 brainstem/spinal surgeries

10/2/24 update: We must raise at least $50,000 by 11/01/24 to pay for Juli’s
NY diagnostic surgical tests. Details below regarding this, as well as cost

Dear Family & Friends,

Paul & Juli are in dire financial straits. Their years-long pattern of requiring at least $5-6,000/month for food, medical costs, nutritional supplements, living expenses, etc. has now become impossible to fulfill.

That’s because all four parents are no longer receiving any significant income, as before. And Paul has been forced to use his back-payments of SSDI and SSI in order to sustain them for the past few months when there was no other way to pay. They also receive SNAP (food stamps), Medicaid and Medicare (Paul only) but the benefits are quite minimal.

Stanford Professor Ron Davis explains the peril faced by ME/CFS patients in this video. At the 3:00 mark, he states that these patients often require $100,000/year to survive, and we have two patients, not just one. Besides, that figure is now 5 years old, so given current inflation, the number would be $122,000 each!

Therefore, we would like to ask your help in any way you can to meet this need. We are working on a short-term and long-term strategy, but it takes much time and planning. If you are able to contribute, please follow the instructions on Paul & Juli’s financial support website on our Donate tab,

Thank you,
Gordon & Elaine Grose (Paul’s parents)

See this pdf for two 2023 updates for more details

9/5/24 UPDATE: Juli just received her Neurosurgeon Report (click to email for a copy) from NY regarding her likely surgeries, none of which will be covered by Medicaid. She must first undergo Invasive Cervical Traction (ICT) and other tests in November 2024 to prepare for surgery. This will take tens of thousands of dollars, out of pocket, just to perform, and the surgeries will be very expensive (not covered).

10/2/24 UPDATE: We must raise at least $50,000 by 11/01/24 to pay for Juli’s NY surgery tests.

We are greatly appreciate of all the gifts we’ve received so far on behalf of Juli. We will be updating the “NY Medical Trip” fundraising bar above on a weekly basis. However, since we do not have ongoing funding for Paul & Juli’s expenses of $6,000/month, this figure will be adjusted accordingly.

Paul’s intention has been to secure separate funding for the NY trip. He has researched every possible option to finance these self-pay, diagnostic surgical tests in November, and the only viable option seems to be to request a loan of the necessary funds from a private lender. Unfortunately, since he has little income and
no job, this is the only option left. Paul & Juli are prepared to use their paid-off home as collateral for someone who would like to help in this way. Please let us know if you can help.

Here is a quick breakdown of the itemized costs:

$25,000 for two types of diagnostic surgical tests to be performed on Nov. 15.

$6100 for wheelchair-accessible hotel accommodations

[Airline flights have already been purchased using previous donations & miles.]

$1500 for van rental

$2500 for non-hospital medical providers before Nov. 15

$1000 for purchasing food in NY, since Oregon Food Stamps will not work

$4000 for food-, water- & medical-related equipment to be purchased and shipped to NY

$2000 for warm winter clothing (Paul & Juli have none) and safe bedding to be purchased and shipped to NY

$500 to ship quiet, environmentally-safe heaters to NY

[Note: Many of the these items are due to Juli’s MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity) condition, including her EMF (electromagnetic field) sensitivities.]

$2000 to paint/winterize Paul & Juli’s home to protect from further water damage and greater expense (like what happened during Winter 2024):

$??? for miscellaneous, unexpected expenses